
How to Clean and Maintain Your Office Carpet

First impressions are everything, and none more so than from your office space. Clean, well-maintained carpets will reflect your professional outlook and offer your employees pleasant surroundings in which to work. Not forgetting the fact that a carpet always had to fight to remain in its prime with the hot and humid weather, alternating in Singapore. Often, dust and dirt would be tracked in, while spills, if not attended to directly, would leave embarrassing stains. But the good news is that with a bit of effort, you can keep the carpet looking fresh and professional year-round. Regular Maintenance Techniques: The Foundation of a Clean Carpet So, it can be said that the best key to office carpet cleaning Singapore is the establishment of regularity in cleaning. These are the two most required tips that you must include in your planning: Vacuuming: For keeping your office carpet free from grit and dirt, your vacuum cleaner could be your best friend. Just how often should vacuuming be